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September spells the beginning of Autumn with the days getting cooler and noticeably shorter. The harvest is in full swing and it’s a great time to start thinking and planning for next year.
In the flower garden… it’s time to start lifting, dividing and replanting over grown perennials, as and when they finish flowering. This is a great way to rejuvenate tired clumps while creating new plants for free which you can try out and spread throughout different parts of the garden. It’s also the beginning of Spring Bulb planting season. Don’t forget to pop plant labels in so you can easily identify what you have planted where.
In the kitchen garden… keep on harvesting your fruit and veg as it becomes ripe and consider making preserves, chutneys and jams from any surplus. It’s a great way of extending the life of your produce and also makes a fabulous seasonal gift. These fantastic wax canvas containers are perfect for storing spuds and onions in!
In the plant house… as we come into Autumn begin to reduce the frequency you water and feed houseplants. Consider forcing bulbs for Christmas; a fabulous way to decorate and bring joy in the home to gloomy December days. Look out for winter favourites coming into store soon; prepared Hyacinths and Daffodils as well as Amaryllis.
In the garden shed… now is a great time to start the big clean-up while we have a few warm dry days left. It's always satisfying to have a good clear out and reorganise ready for the new growing season. Make sure you keep collecting ripe seeds from your garden favourites. Give those empty terracotta pots a good clean out with this handy pot brush!
For the wildlife… don't forget our feathered friends in the big clean-up! Consider washing and disinfecting bird feeders & tables ready for the winter months.
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